Welcome to fall, everyone, and welcome to the end of the A1A 2022 season. I forever hate to use an old cliche, but it rings a loud truth when I say that time seems to be passing much quicker than it used to. It may be because I stay too busy for my own good. Be that as it may, we have reached the end of another very successful A1A season. It is a remarkable ending this year, for it marks the end of our 30th year as The Official and Original Jimmy Buffett Tribute Show. Just in reading that last sentence, I have an endless well of convoluting memories and emotions that overwhelm me. As I mentioned, time goes so very fast, but I feel you do not realize it until a great deal has gone by. A lot has changed since I brought Scott Nickerson in as my partner, and we formed A1A in 1989. Heck, back then, it was booked as Jeff Pike, and Scott would just sit in. It was when things started to take off in 1992 that we changed our name. When we formed A1A, tribute shows, for the most part, did not exist. We got much attention due to our continued success and the fact that, at the time, we were a duo and not a full band. I have not looked into it, but we may be the country's longest-running tribute show still touring. Also, when I first met Scott in the spring of 1989, the entire Parrot Head Club Community consisted of 30 people in the Atlanta Parrot Head Club, which as of today has grown into tens of thousands of people nationwide. When A1A performs at large Parrot Head Functions and Music Festivals these days, I am usually approached by someone, be musician or fan, who reminds me of how important I and A1A were in the formation, growth, and existence of The Parrot Head and Trop Rock Community. Many people have humbled me and, in some cases, brought me to tears. A1A has been a large part of my life, but I keep myself busy with other musical projects, which means a lot to me. Thus I only spend a little bit of time reflecting. How 30 years have flown by and all that I accomplished and influenced with A1A in that time is hard for me to believe. In all honesty, I could write a good-sized book on the unexpected legacy I will be leaving behind with A1A. Perhaps someday I will, but for now, I am still busy with too much I want to do before I sail off into the sunset. So, for now, I will just say thank you. Thank you to Jimmy Buffett, The Coral Reefer Band, Scott Nickerson, The Atlanta Parrot Head Club, Vance Kelly, Ansley Segraves, Rhonda Segraves, Chaz McDonald, Koney Ferrell, James Cobb, Chad Stewart, Kathy Mullen, and all of the fans and friends who have stuck with me. Most importantly, all of the musicians and pirates who have performed in A1A over the past 30 years. I am still blessed to have one of the best bands in the country and to play with musicians whom I highly respect and appreciate. An enormous and heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped me live my life like a song. It has indeed been a lovely cruise. Jeff Pike October 26, 2022 |
January 2025